Monday, February 20, 2012


I must remember.  I must remember to give thanks.  In all things.
Source: via Noel on Pinterest

There are people all over the world, probably in my neighborhood, that would love to have my "problems".  

Right now
there is a woman begging God for children
how can I complain about my four?

Right now
there is a father grieving his teenaged son
how can I complain about resistance to chores?

Right now
there is a family hoping that it doesn't rain and make their dirt floor muddy
how can I complain that half of my house is down to concrete?

Right now
there are people fighting cancer
how can I complain about my treatable condition?

Right now
there are people sleeping on a curb
how can I complain that my house is too big to keep clean?

Right now
there is a child wishing he could hear his mother's voice
how can I complain about the mysterious sound that I can't locate?

Right now
there are mothers watching their children starve to death
how can I complain about the boring food in my pantry?

Oh God - help me to remember how blessed I am!  
Help me to consider those less fortunate before I open my mouth to complain!

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