Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Camp Sol - Healing for the family heart

We've just returned from a wonderful weekend of restoration and healing at Camp Sol.

If you know of a family in the DFW-area that has lost a child and still has kids at home - please pass this to them!  Camp Sol has been an integral part of our family's healing process.  It is so rewarding to go now and help other families while remembering our son, Ian. 

It is nice to see how far we've come - from the first camp where I was angry at the other parents for being happy.  ("How DARE they laugh - they buried a child too.  I will never laugh again, and neither should they") And now, after our 4th year - to only needing the tissue box a few times and really enjoying ourselves and the getaway from everyday life!

I came back feeling refreshed and renewed!  There is emotional "drain" in sharing your story of loss and your grief journey, but my overwhelming essence is "I buried a child.  I survived it.  I am strong - bring it!  You can't kill me!"
Gavin (our "legacy child") enjoying the weekend

Calvin on ropes and Jordan on the rock wall

Gavin - appreciating the view!

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